I’m Still Here…
This post is hard to write. Mainly because I am not sure of the words that I need to say. I want to start by offering an apology to my followers because I have not been very good at posting words of encouragement. I am not offering excuses but I want to share a little bit about what is going on.
I often intertwine my blogs and this post will be “one of those” posts. My health is doing great! Being the first patient at the Cleveland Clinic to halt MS has been exciting. I am a little over 1-1/2 years post transplant and it has been a freeing experience. I have small improvements everyday and I am thankful for the healing that is taking place in my body. The biggest benefit I have seen is my mental clarity has came back. In December of 2021 I decided to take courses to become certified as a data analyst. In my job I am always trying to figure out why things happen and hard data gives a much better picture. I am almost finished and I can not wait to be completed. Making the decision to do this has taken up more of my time than I had planned. Things are returning to normal at work so I also have less “free” time.
I would like to say this is all that is going on but I would not be completely honest if I said that. As I continue with the “every day” I fear that I will not acknowledge all that God has done. Sometimes I stop and think, “did I acknowledge His goodness today?” Honestly, THAT IS SCARY. What is worse is that I can remember a time in my life where I never gave it a second thought. Going through my day I would just do my thing and tell myself that God knows I love Him and I appreciate all that He does in my life. I don’t operate like that anymore. Being faced with a life changing diagnosis and getting a restart while on this planet will give you a new perspective. I thought I feared (respected) God but, whoa, I realized that I didn’t have as much fear as I thought.
It is interesting how the Holy Spirit will intervene for you. When my mind gets caught up in meaningless things I get to encourage someone else that is struggling with MS and/or life decisions. I am pointed to another person that needs prayer because tomorrow may not happen for them. I am praising God for answered prayer of those impossible situations. I am so glad that He cares for us so much that He does not let us forget.
This website is called Rooftop Prayer Warrior. I have said this before but I am reminded of what Luke said in chapter 5 verse 25-26 “25 And immediately he rose up before them and picked up what he had been lying on and went home, glorifying God. 26 And amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, “We have seen extraordinary things today.”
Are you amazed at the things God has done today? Do you talk about them often? I believe that people are looking for answers, good news and want to know about Jesus. Are you sharing what He has done? I didn’t write this post to condemn you or make you feel horrible. I am reminding you of these things because I come across people almost every day that are ready to listen and need some encouragement. As I was travelling to Dallas a couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to share the good things that God has done to 7 people. I am not keeping count but showing you that the opportunities are there. Of course being in an airport helped and having some of them trapped 35,000 feet in the air was to my advantage.
Sharing the goodness of God can be an encouragement to everyone around you. This week I came across this quote from Tony Evans.
This quote is so true. I can’t care for everybody but I hope that my posts reach at least one person to give them hope and encouragement. I know you can too!
In Christ,