What is Rooftop Prayer Warrior All About?


If I did not have Jesus in my life, the diagnosis I was given in 2016 would have been a hopeless and sad day. Year 2019 was a health roller coaster and I usually enjoy riding roller coasters. If you have been keeping up with my posts on Facebook many of you know that in May of 2019 I was waiting for results from tests and MRI's to confirm the source of my difficulty walking and numerous other neurological issues that have popped up so quickly. Was it from my car accident in December of 2018 or did my immune system wage war on my nervous system? I received confirmation that the MS (immune system malfunction) has come back in an very big way. Many people view MS differently but, God has made it very clear that it is the immune system malfunctioning and attacking the nervous system. That is why the drugs that are used to treat it are Immuno-suppressive drugs. My rant on that is for another post. LOL.

I am thankful for all of the people that have been praying for healing and wisdom as I have been waiting for the results and proceeding on this journey. A lot of the stresses of tests were comforted by your prayers and I love you all for taking time to intercede on my behalf.


As you can see I have posted a picture of a passage we find in Mark 2:1-12 and Luke 5:17-26. I have spoken of this passage multiple times because God has given this passage to me to provide hope and encouragement when I receive so many prayer requests and even prayers that I have asked from many of you. This was quite the gathering at this home. We find friends desperate to get their paralytic friend in front of Jesus to be healed. I looked at many photos on the internet and this one resembles what I see in my mind when I read this passage. I see four friends climbing to the roof, lowering their friend to Jesus and those on the ground at the feet of Jesus also helping to lower him to the feet of Jesus. THAT IS POWERFUL! THAT IS DETERMINATION! If I were to title this event, I would call it Rooftop Prayer Warriors. Four friends doing "whatever it takes to get people in front of Jesus". This is power my friends and family!

1 Timothy 2:1, First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,

Matthew 18:19, Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.

In May I applied for a clinical trial at NW Hospital in Chicago to permanently halt my MS and give a chance for my body to heal. I am grateful and thankful for the prayers for Dr. Burt and his team to approve my request based on Compassionate Care. People prayed for wisdom in my decisions and I am grateful to many for fulfilling this request. As I was coming closer to getting a date for evaluation, Dr. Burt ended the trial to write a book and educate the medical community about HSCT. I want him to do this and as a result I am making serious and drastic changes in my life.

I say all of this to tell you that God is going to do something great and I am so excited about what He is doing that I have created this blog. The purpose of this blog is to create a community of people that will do the following things.

  1. Do whatever it takes to put your friends, family, and others before Jesus. Even if it means "climbing the roof".

  2. Ponder on the great things and miracles that God has done in your life and the lives of people you know. This can be done by following these three simple things; Capture “God moments” in your heart & mind, keep “God moments” in your heart & mind, and let past “God moments” keep you on God’s path for your life.

  3. Believe that God will do the impossible in 2020 and beyond.

  4. If you do not have a church home or you would like to view the sermons that have influenced me to create this site, I have listed the links below.

There is more to come and you will see this blog continue to evolve. To God be the glory! Have a great day my friends and I hope to see you at church tomorrow.

Turning Ugly Into Awesome (December 8, 2019)

The Practice of Pondering (December 22, 2019)


Remembering What God Has Done